Tagged: neo-Marxism

Race To The Bottom

The entire world is being taught today, from kindergarten through graduate school and throughout the popular media and the mainstream commentariat, that racism is specifically, endemically, and inescapably a white tendency; that is, a mental trait essentially characteristic of those who are born white….

Deleting Stereotypes

One of the more overt and disquieting symptoms of the English-speaking world’s sleepy descent into totalitarian self-obliteration, aka “social democracy,” is the recent trend in the publishing world towards the shameless raping of famous works of literature in the name of rendering them more inclusive (read relativistic and propagandistic), by revising their content — i.e., changing the words and ideas bequeathed to us...

Blinders of Convenience

The aggressive effort to reduce “Western” or “European” civilization to its alleged sins — racism, sexism, imperialism, systemic inequality, cultural appropriation, greed, and the rest of the neo-Marxist talking points — serves as a convenient diversion from the truth that these same sins, such as they are, may be found equally, though perhaps with regional variations, in all times and places. By hiding...

And Then You Woke Up

I just read the following headline from the Associated Press: “Fauci says pandemic exposed ‘undeniable effects of racism.’” And Dr. Fauci’s self-serving deference to the latest trends in neo-Marxist race politics is worth discussing because…? A couple of days back, I read of an adjunct instructor in literature at St. John’s University in New York who uttered “the n-word” during an online lecture...

Glossary of Progressive Ideas, Part Four

“Cultural appropriation”
Any public behavior, speech, artistic endeavor, or style preference displayed by humans of white European descent which does not match the stereotype of white European culture as defined by (white-European-descended) neo-Marxist academics.
Explanatory note…

Diagnosing Dr. Ford

Brett Kavanaugh’s “accuser,” Christine Blasey Ford, has responded to the continually-shifting deadline Republican senators have set for her to decide whether she wishes to testify about how a teenage boy made her feel nervous and uncomfortable thirty-some years ago, somewhere, in some unspecified situation, in a vacuum of isolated memory devoid of identifiable context that might help anyone verify or disprove her claims....