Tagged: Media

Trump’s Contradictions (sort of) Explained

One thing everyone agrees on regarding Donald Trump is that he is obsessed with the media, and particularly with media coverage of himself. A few months back, some naïve people took literally an online satire describing Trump’s addiction to a fictitious “Gorilla TV.” I knew it was satire — and ineffective satire — since Trump wouldn’t care about gorillas unless they wore MAGA...

Dumb Blondes for Trump, Abortion, Whatever

It has come to my attention that Tomi Lahren, whom I may have heard once on a Steven Crowder podcast, and who was apparently a hot commodity at Glenn Beck’s media enterprise, The Blaze, is now a not-quite-so-hot commodity without a media home, after a recent appearance on the Harpy Housewife Hour (aka “The View”) during which she declared herself suddenly pro-abortion. Like another alt-right dumb blonde,...

How Democracies Perish, Deathbed Edition

This is the thirtieth anniversary of the publication of How Democracies Perish, an analysis of the spread of world communism by Jean-François Revel, one of freedom’s most serious French defenders since Tocqueville. At the heart of this work, Revel details “The Tools of Communist Expansion,” among which the most relevant for understanding our current situation comes in Chapter 16, “Ideological Warfare and Disinformation.”...