Tagged: McConnell

Dr. McConnell and Mr. Trump Part VI: The Press Conference

Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell, falsifying my Jekyll and Hyde hypothesis that they are actually the same person, have appeared together at a press conference, where they reassured everyone…that they are actually the same person. I understand your doubts: McConnell is a mealy-mouthed, vowel-swallowing, conniving turtle, whereas Trump is a crude, thought-disintegrating, pinwheel-hat-level vulgarian. Ergo, Jekyll and Hyde. So when it’s time for...

Trump’s Ego Pummeled in Alabama…tee-hee

For a long time, I’ve been calling Trump The Orange McConnell — my answer to the baloney about Trump as an anti-establishment figure, when in fact he has been McConnell’s biggest booster, and one of his biggest donors, for years. A conservative friend once described Trump to me as “pure id.” Well, if he’s the id, McConnell is the ego.  And The Orange...