Tagged: Islam


The Israeli government is not Judaism. Israeli government policy is not scripture. No member of the Likud Party is an earthly representative of God, Abraham, or Moses. It follows that no disapproval of the Israeli government, no disagreement with Israeli government policy, and no criticism of any member of Israel’s ruling party, is inherently either identifiable as or suggestive of antisemitism.  To those...

Sensitivity and the Meaning of Education

An adjunct professor foolish enough to teach an art class at a totalitarian reeducation camp in Minnesota (aka Hamline University) showed a medieval painting depicting Muhammad, after having directly advised students in the course syllabus and during the semester that this painting would be shown and discussed in her online lecture, and offering an opportunity for any students who might be inclined to...

“We don’t have any indication of a motive at this time”

Welcome to yet another wonderful, reality-evading episode of Politically Correct Agenda Land. On today’s episode, Salman Rushdie, an author who has been under Islamic fatwa issued by the Iranian mullahs for over thirty years, who lived for a decade under constant police protection, and whose various associates around the world have been attacked, sometimes fatally, for their connections with him, is stabbed to...

Iran for Progressive Dummies

The world’s progressive political establishment and its media torch-bearers have spent so many years lying and obfuscating on behalf of tyranny, in the name of defending anything that might be seen as useful in their definitive and never-ending war against individual liberty, that they have apparently obscured the truth even from themselves. Thus, they are now, fittingly, subject to what Socrates, in the...

More Marvels of Moral Equivalency; plus One Honest Man

Wonders never cease, if by wonders we mean spectacles of moral and intellectual vapidity presented by Canadian men named Trudeau. The Iranian Islamic despotism shot down a passenger jet full of innocent people, dozens of them Canadians of Iranian descent. The Islamic despots are denying that they shot down the jet, although the rest of the world (excepting the usual global apologists for...

Random Thoughts — with Pictures

Yesterday, there was a funny story about Muslim children at a school in Philadelphia — that would be the one in Pennsylvania, USA — singing a cute little song about crushing the infidels. Today comes the even funnier explanation of this charming video: it was merely an unfortunate oversight in the song vetting process. I can believe that. I can’t count how many...

Should the U.S. “Punish” Saudi Arabia?

In the wake of the CIA’s assessment that Muslim Brotherhood-friendly “journalist” Jamal Khashoggi was indeed murdered on the orders of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, many were anticipating the reaction of Donald Trump (i.e., his handlers), who had promised “severe” punishment for the Saudis should the Turkish government’s allegations turn out to be true. Trump’s latest official response, however, is to prioritize...

Weekend Reflections: The Coma of Reason

My old friend Tim Birdnow, who has a real gift for isolating the civilizational portent of “local news,” had a great piece Friday at American Thinker, “Progressive Jihad on the Prairie,” about a suburban school board member in Illinois, Steve Springer, who had the audacity to criticize social justice indoctrination for children and special bathroom privileges for boys who “identify as” girls, and...

Time Flies When You’re Torching Synagogues

Prefatory Warnings: If you think “Jew” means “Israel,” you are confusing humanity with geopolitics. If you think everything Israel does is pure and good, you are no longer thinking rationally. If you think everything Israel does is purely evil, you are projecting. If you think global Islamism is a false flag threat (created by The Joos, you see), you are a kook on...

London’s Mayor Demands Travel Ban — Against Trump!

Many readers on this site are probably aware that I am not a fan of Donald Trump. On the other hand, I think I can say with certainty that if thousands of religious fanatics were planning, funding, or sympathizing with murderous attacks against my fellow citizens, my gut response would not be to recommend an immediate travel ban against the president of the United States....