Tagged: Homosexuality

Female Marxism, Part III: Great Moments in The Struggle

If, like me, you regard modern feminism as nothing but a neo-Marxist ruse aimed at undermining the family and diluting “traditional” masculinity in order the more easily to absorb the individual within the socialist collective, i.e., to facilitate totalitarianism, you will enjoy a short piece at Patterico’s site, “The Moment a Soon-to-Be-Released Book Crashes and Burns.”  In fact, “enjoy” is far too reserved...

As for the “Christian homosexual” candidate…

Yesterday, I mocked fraudulent evangelical hypocrite Franklin Graham over his holier-than-thou critique of Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg’s claims of being a “Christian homosexual.” Specifically, I questioned how any alleged religious leader who has praised Donald Trump as God’s chosen one, while ignoring or obfuscating about Trump’s well-known and proudly-declared life of sin, can claim any moral authority in objecting to Buttigieg’s attempts...

Whose swamp is it anyway?

The National Rifle Association recently hosted a speech by Donald Trump, arguably the most pro-actively anti-gun president in recent U.S. history, a man who advocates taking guns away from citizens with “mental health issues” first, and pursuing due process second, who pushed for restrictions on gun accessories that his fellow progressives deem “unnecessary,” and who generally favors restricting gun rights — much like...

Happy Fourth of July! (But while I have your attention…)

  To all my American readers and friends — and that would be the majority in both categories — Happy Fourth of July from here in Limbo! This is a less than stellar moment for your nation, to put it mildly, but there is no reason not to take a day to appreciate all that is and has been great about modernity’s most...

The Denaturalization of America

In 2008, America elected a president from a broken home whose mother was sympathetic to communists; who as a youngster had formative relationships with a transgender nanny chosen by his mother and a bisexual communist pornographer “mentor” chosen by his grandfather; whose teenage friends were so devoted to drug use that they gave themselves a nickname derived from this habit, and developed their...