Tagged: gun rights

Random Reflections on America’s Weekly Mass Shooting Show

There has been another mass shooting at an American school. Thus, there has inevitably been another uninterrupted news cycle focusing everyone’s rapt and mock-mournful attention on every titillating detail of the “terrible day”: The crying children, the traumatized parents, the heroic individuals who did their best to save lives, and of course every available tidbit on the killer’s identity, grievances, and personal story....

Clutching at Pearls (tight around your neck)

Lindsey Graham, who is either a brave American patriot or a weak-kneed traitor to the republic, depending on whether the Trumpanzees think he is agreeing with Trump this week or not, is currently back in the traitor category again — though in fact he is once again agreeing with Trump. Remember, his status is determined by whether the Trump cult thinks he is...

A Few Notes on Life Without America

A nation that no longer lives in accordance with any of the principles and standards that properly defined it may be said to have expired, for all intents and purposes. With that sobering thought, I present a few notes on the current American political climate: In response to my recent essay on the sad, compromised version of Senator Ted Cruz now on display...