Tagged: Greta Thunberg

News Roundup

Fake climate activist Greta Thunberg has been fake arrested at a fake protest again. Watching her — the most famous youngster on the planet — being picked up and pulled away from the street she was sitting on by police, while her fellow “protesters” simply watch the proceedings passively, without any of them moving a finger to object to her removal, and while...

An Age of Angry Dimwits

When the political discourse of your age has whittled itself down to such ranting characters as Donald Trump and Greta Thunberg, you may be certain that politics has ended, and something else has taken its place — something ugly, soulless, and brutal. Donald Trump is a laughably stupid vulgarian “businessman” who has successfully raped the fragile minds of tens of millions of true...

From Champ to Chump in a Progressive Minute

Roger Federer has won more Grand Slam tennis titles than any other man in history. He has spent more weeks as the number one ranked player in the world than anyone else, including 237 consecutive weeks at one stage (that’s four-and-a-half years, for the arithmetically challenged). By any standard, he merits the unqualified epithet “Champion.” Or rather, he did. Today, he is just...

Random Thoughts on Things People Tell Themselves

Most Americans who voted for Trump, or are excited about doing so in 2020, think the Democrats’ impeachment process is a joke. Most Americans who did not vote for Trump, or are vehement about not doing so in 2020, think Trumpster objections to the methods and motives of the Democrats’ impeachment process are a joke. Both factions are right in their way. The...

The Gods We Deserve

Our new gods are of the only sort that remains possible when the longing for eternity, the desperate grasp after meaning, and the lifelong pursuit of truth, have been debunked and expunged from the modern soul. We are left with ephemeral idols, cardboard cutout heroes-for-the-season, blustering attention-seekers without a substantial purpose beyond their own egomaniacal lust for popularity and affection.

“This is a system that is wrong”

Greta Thunberg has carried her message of hope and change — by which of course I mean mass starvation and totalitarian oppression — to her spiritual North American homeland, the New World’s Sweden, Canada. While there, she served as the honorary mascot — Does this girl’s father even care whether she lives or dies beyond the day he finishes cashing in on her?...

Spoiled Brat of the Year!

Teenage climate communist prop Greta Thunberg just gave a speech at the UN in which she threw a proxy temper tantrum at her parents (whom she thinly disguised as the adults of the world), spewing out her promise to hate, hate, hate them forever, and never, never, never forgive them for “stealing her childhood,” “betraying her,” and “failing her” — by making her...

“Do what I want,” belligerent child demands

A sixteen-year-old Swedish girl, Greta Thunberg, sits sternly, arms folded, facing members of the United States Congress, the elected representatives of the American people. Having previously submitted a decrepit, thoroughly discredited UN document (the IPCC’s climate Armageddon fantasy report), the earliest iterations of which the congressmen have been familiar with since before this girl was born, she now declares, peremptorily, “I don’t want...