Tagged: experts

Competence Vs. Understanding

Dr. Ben Carson has endorsed Donald Trump for president yet again. Carson is a renowned brain surgeon, a man as respected and accomplished in his field as anyone can be. And yet, in the name of saving the American republic, he has thrown his name and reputation behind a man who openly sought to undermine and override the Constitution for his own interests...

Reflections on Three Pop Intellectuals

Neil deGrasse Tyson.– I doubt you could find a recent interview or quasi-debate featuring this man in which he does not explicitly remind his interlocutor and audience, typically as a preface or premise to one shouted certitude or another, that he is a scientist, and that he is looking at the question at hand from the scientist’s perspective — the implication being, of...

Obsolete Man

In light of what all half-sentient humans now know about the origins of the Covid-19 virus (and what many of us who are slightly more than half-sentient were very confidently assuming all along), I just want to put this little human interest story out there for your consideration. On February 10, 2022, Luc Montagnier, one of the most renowned, admired, and honored virologists...

Reflections on Nature, Knowledge, and Learning

Love for “nature” in the modern sense grows in inverse proportion to one’s ability to love nature in the ancient sense. That is, if humans today were more interesting, less mindlessly slavish, less devoted to the emptiest pursuits, and more open to the consideration of ideas, beauties, and ways of living truly alternative to those promoted in the popular culture, I would probably...

Three Paradoxes

Fear’s Paradox.— The man obsessed with the fear of losing his life will be the one with the least life to lose. The same formula, in fact, is true for any good you might insert in the place of “life” here, as long as possession is understood to indicate not the mere material presence of a thing, but rather its practical availability for...

I’m a socially verified really really smart person. Therefore, I can spew whatever nonsense I want, and you should accept my conclusions with unthinking deference.

Amusingly, just a couple of days after posting my brief argument about “Abortion Rights,” I have stumbled across the following title of an article from (no surprise) Salon: “I’m a philosophy professor. The argument for making abortion illegal is illogical.”

The author, one Nathan Nobis, announces his professional credibility as a judge of logic in his article’s very title…

Shock Poll: PhDs Are Most “Vaccine Hesitant”

The Daily Mail reports that a survey of five million Americans regarding public attitudes about Covid-19 vaccination has turned up a “surprising” (i.e., inconvenient and soon-to-be-buried) result: When the population is sorted by education level, the highest degree of “vaccine hesitancy” is found not among the mainstream media’s favorite whipping boys, knuckle-dragging illiterates — aka “Trump voters” — but rather among those with...

Reflections on Living in the Midst of Things

Jesus put up with a lot of crap from government. If He could do it, we can too.  Richard Feynman: “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” In other words, the search for truth begins with the presumption, if not the firm belief, that the experts of the day do not know what they think they know. An expert is a...

Specialists and Wisdom

The specialist’s mind.— The problem with specialists, as Socrates reasoned with perfect clarity, and as modernity exhibits ubiquitously, is that the specialist knows about one thing, but through a combination of the pride of competence and the disproportion of exclusive focus, gradually comes to imagine that the one thing he knows is the lynchpin of all reality, such that he mistakes his extremely...

The Worst Event That America Will Face

A few days ago, White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Birx, Dr. Fauci’s priggish schoolmarm understudy, went out of her way to establish for all who ever doubted it that she is (a) a hyperbolic alarmist worthy of the nether regions of the Trump campaign’s legal team, (b) quite ignorant and narrowminded, and (c) a leading candidate for Upper Class Twit of the...