Tagged: Charlie Gard

Hysterical American Thinker Writers Caused Charlie Gard to Suffer

A beneficial side effect of the horrible Charlie Gard case is that it is the kind of story that forces anyone who wishes to talk about it to define himself, whether openly or implicitly, on certain fundamental issues: self-ownership vs. socialism, the private family vs. state, and the principled defense of individual liberty vs. progressive pragmatism. One of the more predictable and amusing...

A Planned and Orderly Death for Charlie Gard

Why were Charlie Gard’s parents not allowed to take him home to die? The answer provided by the Great Ormond Street Hospital is a priceless revelation of the socialist mind, and a perfect realization of the principles of medicine predicted in Brave New World. After claiming that they had “tried absolutely everything” to satisfy the parents’ wishes — “absolutely everything” seems a tad...

What the Charlie Gard Case Was NEVER About

In civilization’s ongoing battle against the advance of progressive authoritarianism, the story of Charlie Gard — may he rest in peace — is an object lesson in the danger of unclear principles, and the value of clear ones. The defenders of the despotism of socialized medicine have a vested interest in trying to persuade you that the Charlie Gard case is at its...

RIP, Charlie Gard, and thank you

Unfortunately, Charlie Gard has died. Normally, we lament the loss of a baby by saying things like, “It’s so unfair that he never had the chance to accomplish anything or live a meaningful human life.” Not so in this case. For while Charlie was obviously deprived of the opportunity to fully experience life — and I mean deprived by his illness, not just...

Charlie Gard Has Died

No surprise, of course, but Charlie Gard is dead. His life, however, though sadly brief and unpleasant, was not lived in vain. For he has done more to advance the cause of freedom, against progressive authoritarianism, than most of us will do in a full natural lifetime. He has opened eyes.  I’ll have plenty more to say about his death, and the importance...

Charlie Gard’s Parents Give Up — And You’re Next

Charlie Gard’s parents, stonewalled by their government and the Euro-socialist high command for five months, their child effectively kidnapped by the State, have finally been forced to accept that it is now too late to hope that their baby might be saved. They have therefore withdrawn their application to take him to an American hospital for experimental treatment. He will soon die. There...

The Totalitarian Ratchet Turns

By a charming coincidence, socialized medicine is claiming a famous victim at the very moment that its grip on the West’s last outpost of liberty is tightening. Together, the British government’s success in running out the clock on Charlie Gard and the U.S. Senate’s apparent progress toward paving the road to single-payer healthcare in America have symbolic value. For years, we have spoken...

Canadian Gives Lesson on “Genuine Caring” for the Progressive Age

Anyone inclined to ask why I often speak so disdainfully of my fellow Canadians, or why I’ve increasingly expressed disgust at the thought of returning to my homeland at the end of my Korean working life, need look no further than a column by popular British-Canadian commentator Michael Coren in The Toronto Star, opining about the Charlie Gard case. Coren offers a staggering compendium...

Tyranny Bares Its Teeth (to defend babies, of course)

What can be more shamelessly, terrifyingly brutal than the righteous, benign mask of progressivism? After humiliating themselves before the universe as the tyrants that they are, the commissars at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital, unwilling to admit that stealing babies from their parents in order to murder them is unethical, have doubled down on their moral turpitude. Still unwilling to “allow” Charlie Gard’s...

Charlie Gard’s Mother Permitted to Join Her Betters

After yet another time-and-energy-wasting legal fight, a judge has granted Connie Yates permission to attend a meeting between doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital and American specialist Michio Hirano, at which her son’s fate will be discussed. The hospital had argued against parental representation, on the grounds that the doctors would not be able to “speak freely” about Charlie Gard’s condition and prospects...