Monthly Archive: June 2017

Not a Cloud in the Sky

And then where would we be? Tocqueville’s soft despotism is defined here: no clouds, no struggle, nothing to overcome, no accomplishment of value; just the comfort of never having to worry much about it — where “it” means life. If there were no clouds, The sun would have no courage, Nothing to break through

Educating for Slavery

In our dreams, we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions fade from their minds, and unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning...

On Being an Idiot

A few days ago, I posted an article here as well as at American Thinker about London’s mayor calling for a travel ban against Donald Trump. As a matter of conscience, I began my piece by noting that I am not a Trump fan, to which one AT reader commented, “Yeah, we all know you are an idiot.” Another commenter replied to the first: “My question? (sic)...

London’s Mayor Demands Travel Ban — Against Trump!

Many readers on this site are probably aware that I am not a fan of Donald Trump. On the other hand, I think I can say with certainty that if thousands of religious fanatics were planning, funding, or sympathizing with murderous attacks against my fellow citizens, my gut response would not be to recommend an immediate travel ban against the president of the United States....

Britain Surrenders to Islam

There has been a “potential act of terrorism” in London, in which potential terrorists potentially ran over potential infidels with a potential van, and apparently also stabbed potential victims and slashed some people’s potential throats. In response to this potential act, the London police “shepherded” (the word repeated through the British news reports) hundreds of people through the streets with their hands over their...

Prager Forgives His Friends for Not Joining a Cult

Conservative radio host Dennis Prager has written an article for National Review in which he tries to explain the souls of those among his friends who continue to resist the wave of mindless partisanship and/or cultish idolization which Prager, a vocal Donald Trump supporter who wishes to retain his self-respect, defensively euphemizes as “not being a purist.” His article is getting a lot of attention, as...

Revisiting the Paris Climate Accord

Back in 2015, when the Paris Climate Accord was as new, and seemed as natural, as John Kerry’s latest face shape, I wrote at American Thinker about the Accord’s content, meaning, and intentions. Today, as some people with short attention spans cheer Donald Trump’s announced pull-out from the Paris deal, I’d like to look back at what I wrote, before assessing the content, meaning, and likely...